Before Your Procedure
Please call for Pre-Admission Testing (PAT):
Your surgeon's scheduler will send you a packet of information that explains what we need you to bring
with you the day of surgery.
A member of our nursing staff will give you a call one to two days before your procedure to gather essential personal health information and go over everything you need to know before you arrive.
Any questions you have can be addressed at this time.
If you have any questions about your surgery after you’ve reviewed your packet and talked to the nurse, feel free to call 937.431.1518 for additional information or clarification.
For billing questions call 937.431.9531 Option 1.
If anything relevant to your condition changes before surgery, notify your doctor or the surgery center.
This may include catching a cold, an addition of medication, or any other change in health.
You will be required to have a physical at least two weeks prior to your surgery
to be reviewed by our anesthesia department.
This can be performed by your family doctor, or Comprehensive Medical Services at (937) 429-0682.
If cardiac clearance is required, you will be notified by either your surgeon's office or the surgery center.
If you have had bypass surgery, stents, valve repair/replacements and/or pacemaker, anticipate the need for a cardiac clearance.
The day before your surgery please review the following.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day of your surgery.
Do not chew gum, smoke or eat candy.
Take your medications as instructed by the surgery staff with a sip of water.
Leave your jewelry or any valuables at home.
Wear glasses instead of contacts.
If you use inhalers, please bring with you.
If you use portable oxygen, bring the oxygen with you.
Please arrive at the surgery center 1½ hours prior to your surgery time.
Bring your insurance cards.
Bring a photo identification. We cannot perform surgery if this is not present.
Wear comfortable clothing, and a button-up short-sleeved shirt.